Landsmót pakki

De la EUR 600,00 €
  • Durata: 4 Zile (aprox.)
  • Cod produs: IH-38

This Landsmót package contains 4 days ticket to Landsmót and
accommotaion for three nights in Hótel Hella from Thursay to Sunday with
breakfast. Landsmót is held in Hella in a walking distance from Hótel Hella. The
days at Landsmót are spent freely for you to enjoy and see events you wish to see.  


July 9th Reykjavík – Hótel Hella

Pick up at 18:00 at
BSÍ bus station in Reykjavik and
to Hótel Hella. Rest of the days
at Landsmót are spent at your choice.

July 12th Hótel Hella – Reykjavík

Transfer to BSÍ Bus station in Reykjavik
at 17:00.